SOLD OUT 2023 Stinging Nettles Urtica dioica

SOLD OUT 2023 Stinging Nettles Urtica dioica

from $2.82



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Stinging Nettle

Urtica dioica

Energetics: Cooling and Drying

Taste: Sweet and Salty

Element: Water

Part: Leaf

Nettles is a wonderful nourishing tonic packed with lots of vitamins and minerals.

Cleans, Clears, Builds & Tonifies

Detoxification through kidneys, liver and urinary tract as well as building vitality by bringing in nutrients to the body and helps tonify weak connective tissues due to astringency.

Nettles are drying I like to add a moistening herb to my nettle intake such as licorice root, marshmallow leaf or root, or milky oats are my preferred go to’s. Its important not to throw your constitution off I recommend adding a little something to the nettles to help off set the dryness for everyone.

Nettles are of course safe during pregnancy. I drank nettles throughout both of my pregnancies. I loved having my nettles with oat straw and red raspberry leaf. I would add licorice root to that recipe given what I know now.

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